We've created monthly healthy eating packages to put an end to the excuses of not having enough time to eat unhealthy.
With a predetermined monthly package and permitted and prohibited ingredients, you receive nutrition according to the goal you wish to achieve.
The packages provide 3 healthy meals, 6 times a week from the Fitness House menu. You receive meals with a carefully determined caloric intake, accurate calculation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Choose which trainer or nutritionist you will entrust your diet to:

The programs are compiled by proven experts in the field of sports, nutrition and medicine, and are available in several categories:

● Keto diet;
● Vegetarian diet;
● Избалансирана исхрана за трудници, за одржување на здравa телесна тежина во текот на бременоста;
● Balanced protein diet to maintain muscle mass;
● Nutrition for increasing muscle mass;
● An individual package with a plan according to your wishes and goals.

You are 3 steps away from a healthy lifestyle:

Одберете еден од нашите стручни соработници и консултанти на тема здрава исхрана.

It is up to you to choose one of our expert associates

Begin the journey to achieving your desired health and body

Let professionals take care of your physical and mental health

Start with a consultation, share your wishes and preferences regarding nutrition. Let professionals take care of your diet, which will lead you to physical and mental well-being and enjoy the results!

Start your journey with healthy food - One bite at a time!